Pants: Target. Top: Urban Outfitters, Coat: H&M, Heels: Zara, Necklace: Forever 21
Hi there!
I'll have you know, that whatever windblown sex appeal you think I'm trying to give off, I also know it's not working. It was also not my intention, it just happened to be the windiest day that I have ever encountered. I even felt quite fortunate for my breakfast of carbs and, um, carbs to have helped me stay grounded.
Here's another fun fact, these pants are reversible! When is the last time something reversible was actually functional. The reverse side is just a really simple indigo denim. So I can use these as a basic, or the center piece. I felt a little giddy buying these, because, hello, I practically got two for the price of one! You can get them from Target.
Also, that black thing on my neck is a harmonica. Just saying.
Happy Hump Day