Friday, January 13, 2012


Let me start by saying this. I have this extreme fear of Earthquakes. And the whole living in California, only a few miles away from a fault (550 to be exact), thing hasn’t really helped much.
Well now that you know this I can move on…
I woke up today feeling the joys of a Friday morning, Birds were chirping, sun shining, it was going to be a good day. Until the news hyped an earthquake just a few short miles north of my current location, which was also 11 floors high.  
So the earthquake was only a 2.7, but I still had instant visions of the building collapsing, trying to find my cat in the midst of the destruction. It was one big chaotic mess in my slightly over stimulated mind.
So then, I thought about all the end of the world movies (because real life should always be based off movies), Armageddon, The day after tomorrow, Independence Day.  No one in those movies survived because they were wearing a frilly dress and stilettos. So I figured, if I have any chance of surviving this totally fictional disaster, I had to dress like one bad bitch.  And if your definition of bad bitch is a revealed midriff, pink pants, and a useless headband, than we are on the same page.
I think this look could withstand a few fallen boulder, aliens (I’m not sure where that came from either), and whatever any other disaster may strike. ..

Let’s just say…It’s going to be an interesting Friday..
Shirt: Boyfriends (DIY rips), Pants: Urban Outfitters, Boots: H&M, Jewelry/headband: F21


  1. awesome outfit! and being on the east coast, ive never actually experienced an earthquake but cant imagine what it would be like! :x

  2. This made me laugh out loud! You are too funny :) I definitely think that outfit gives you quite an edgy look. Let's just say....if a disaster should happen and aliens attacked and we were all scavenging for food as if this were The Book of Eli, I probably wouldn't f*ck with your food. :)

  3. LMAO! you look great, I love the edgyness of the oufit!

  4. You look stunning in this edgy outfit, love your headband and accessories.

  5. You look stunning! Perfect edgy outfit!


  6. Kellen, you are so talented. I just love you...I knew you were gonna do great things.....I just showed my daughter who is now 11. Not only does she remember you but she loves all your cool outfits!!!
    love Andrea

  7. If this makes you feel any better, just enjoy knowing you don't live literally ON the fault line like I do! Love your edgy look!!

  8. the color of your pants is awesome! love it

  9. gorgeous outfit - I love your accessories and the low cut of your jeans



  10. cute ensemble love the DIY

  11. Oh my gosh! So nice to hear about someone with the same fear. I literally have nightmares about earthquakes. I keep extra food and water in our bedroom just in case we get trapped. I FREAK out about them. My boyfriend thinks I'm a nut job because of how worked up I get about it. So I feel ya.

    Love the "bad bitch" outfit!
